


black and white / church spire white with black background / all bad things are in black with a white background
image integrated in text - read text first or text and image together
evocation of sound from 'BLAM' and images

The film 'Sin City' is a very literal representation of the novel. There is some text in the film, and only the colour red is used against the black and white. Lots of space is used in the comic with no text, presumably to create silence / quiet. The comic was used as a storyboard for the film. Frank Miller was involved in the filmmaking. Are the actors in the film actors or are they the characters? Who is the inventor, the actor or the writer?

Pastiche of the comic book. There is no motion in the comic, and to transfer it into a film is almost to disregard the format of the story. Movement is evoked through still image, making a film takes some of that away. Would it have been better just to make an animation? Some of the white space in the comic seems to imply text / imagination.

'in room 208'

Stephen Collins recently won the Comica / Observer / Johnathan Cape graphic short story prize. The story is supposed to be read as two double page spreads, but it is more understandable if you read the smaller sections first and then move away and look at the image as a whole. How easy is it to evoke violence in image and text?


For a recent project, i made an informative booklet combining image and text / 'how birds fly'. I looked into how text was arranged in similar books / labelling / diagrams. I found that it was important to keep all of the text in the same style / font so that it would be easily understood. It needed to be easy to read and also work well with the composition on the page.